Add Merge Template Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to add a Microsoft Word merge template, create and add an Adobe InDesign merge template, or import an existing InDesign merge template into Ajera CRM.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > Merge Templates.
  2. On the Merge Templates grid toolbar on the Merge Templates form, click Add, and then select one of the following options in the drop-down list: Microsoft Word Template, Create Adobe InDesign Template, or Import Adobe InDesign Template.


Field Description
Info Center Area This field displays the Info Center that you selected on the Merge Templates form.

Enter a description for the new template.

The description will display in the Description field in the Merge Templates grid on the Merge Templates form.

If you are creating an Adobe InDesign merge template, the description that you enter in the Description field is also used for the .indt file name that is prefilled in the Template File Name field on the Merge Templates form.

Merge Template and Browse

This field and button apply only if you are adding a Microsoft Word merge template or importing an existing InDesign merge template. These are not enabled when you are creating an InDesign merge template within Ajera CRM.

Click the Browse button and in the Open dialog box, navigate to and select the Word or InDesign merge template file. The Word file must be an .rtf file. The InDesign file must be an .indt file. The file that you select displays in the Merge Template field.


When you add a Word merge templates:

After you enter a description and select a Word file, click OK. The contents of the Word .rtf file are copied and saved in Ajera CRM. You are returned to the Merge Templates form where a new row for the template has been added to the Merge Templates grid. The Description and Template File Name columns prefill with the entries from the Add Merge Template dialog box.

When you add an Adobe InDesign merge templates:

After you enter a description on this dialog box and click OK, Adobe InDesign is launched automatically if you have InDesign installed. In InDesign, you create a merge template and when you save it, it is added to Ajera CRM.

When you import an InDesign merge template:

After you enter a description and select an InDesign file, click OK. The contents of the InDesign .indt file are copied and saved in Ajera CRM using SQL FILESTREAM capabilities. You are returned to the Merge Templates form where a new row for the template has been added to the Merge Templates grid. The Description and Template File Name columns prefill with the entries on the Add Merge Template dialog box.

Cancel Click this button to discard the entries that you made on the Add Merge Template dialog box since the last save and return to the Merge Templates form.