Fee Estimate Tab of Opportunity Settings

Use the Fee Estimate tab of Opportunity Settings to enable fee based estimates for your products and services.


Field Description
Enable Fee Estimate Select this check box to enable the fee estimate features in Ajera CRM. When you do so, the following elements become available:
  • Configuration > Fee Estimate Groups — Use Fee Estimate Groups to specify the disciplines and their groupings to use when building your service profiles. Fee estimate groups include both Functional Groups and Cost Groups, which are used to further break down your fee estimate.
  • Configuration > Fee Estimate Service Profiles — Use Fee Estimate Service Profiles to further define the functional groups, associated fee bands, and project phases that are available for service profiles when building a fee estimate. If you also enable the German Scale of Fees, the service profiles are pre-populated with the associated fee bands and phases that are available when building a fee estimate.
  • Info Center > Opportunity — Use the Fee Estimate tab to generate a fee estimate for an opportunity.
  • Info Center > Project — When creating a new project, you can use the Create New Project from Fee Estimate menu option to automatically build the project's Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) from the fee estimate structure of the linked opportunity.
  • Accounting > Project Fee Estimate — Use this application to review or generate a fee estimate for a project. This fee estimate could start with a linked opportunity's existing fee estimate or you can create a new fee estimate for the project.
Phase Use this drop-down list to configure the phase (WBS 2) for the new project:
  • Phase — Includes all phases listed on the Phases grid and the Special Services grid
  • Functional Group — Includes all functional groups listed on the Functional Groups grid
  • None — The project will not have WBS level 2 or WBS level 3 values.
Task If you have specified an option in the Phase field, you can use this drop-down list to configure the task (WBS 3) for the new project. The options that are available depend on your selection in the Phase field. For example, if you select Functional Group in the Phase field, then Functional Group is not available in the Task drop-down list.
  • Phase — Includes all phases listed on the Phases grid and the Special Services grid
  • Functional Group — Includes all functional groups listed on the Functional Groups grid
  • None — The project will only have WBS level 2 values.

Once you define your WBS mapping, it is important to also set up your service phase codes within the service profile and functional group codes within the Fee Estimate Functional groups to be the same number of characters as the WBS level to which it is mapped. For example, if services phases will map to WBS2, and your WBS2 has 3 characters, you should define the code for service phases within the service profile to be 3 characters as well.