Screen Designer Overview

Use the Screen Designer to tailor screens and tabs to meet your requirements. Only employees with an Admin type role can access the Screen Designer.

What Elements Can You Change?

The elements you can change with the Screen Designer depend on the area of Ajera CRM in which you want to work:

  • In the Info Centers and the Activity Manager, you can change all screens and tabs.
  • On the Activity dialog box, you can change the Detail, Attendees, Contacts, Leads, and Recurrence tabs.

Field Types

You may see any of the following types of fields on forms and tabs:

Field Type Description
Check Boxes Check boxes are fields in which you click inside the box to select an option, such as .

You can move a check box and change its label.

You can also determine whether you want to position the caption to the left or to the right side of the check box. To do this, select the check box field that you want to change, and then select True or False from the Left Align Text field in the Properties pane.

Command Buttons Command buttons are fields that you use to perform an action, such as .

You can move, change the size of, and change the name of command buttons.

You can hide command buttons, but you cannot lock them.

Drop-Down List Fields Drop-down list fields are fields in which you can select a setting from a predetermined list. For example, the Status field on the General tab of the Client Info Center is a drop-down list field. When you click the field, a list displays from which you can select one of the following settings: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.

In the Screen Designer, when you resize a drop-down list field, it does not affect the width of the opened drop-down list.

Screen Designer and the User Defined Tabs Application

You can use the Screen Designer in conjunction with the User Defined Tabs application. The User Defined Tabs application allows you to add new tabs, then add fields and grids to the tabs. You can then use the Screen Designer to organize the added tab elements.

Screen Designer and Kona Integration

If you implement the Kona integration feature and you want to move or resize the Kona widget on either the Project Info Center form or the Opportunity Info Center form, you can use Screen Designer to do so.