Conditions Dialog Box (Scheduled Workflows)

When you set up a workflow, you specify the conditions under which the action will take place. You do this on the Conditions dialog box. Ajera CRM looks at the conditions in the order in which you specify them on this dialog box.

Use the Move Up and Move Down arrows to arrange them in the correct order.

Scheduled workflows allow you to build SQL expressions for events and actions, and can include calculations. You can use expressions to create events and actions when the basic Conditions fields are not enough. In addition, more elaborate date operators are available for scheduled workflows.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > Workflow > Scheduled Workflows.
  2. In the Conditions field on the Scheduled Workflow form, click .


Field Description
Column This field lists all the columns (fields) in the Info Center that you selected. Select the field to which you want to apply the workflow condition.
Operator Select the appropriate operator for the workflow condition. For example, if you are creating a workflow for your employees' tenth anniversary, select equals in this field and then enter 10 in the Value field. Or, if you want to be alerted when fields that were empty now contain information, select not empty in this field.

If you selected a date column in the Column field, additional date operators such as Month is, This Week, and Last Days are available.

  • The date operators that begin with "in" (such as In Months) trigger the workflow one time, x days (or weeks, or months) before that date. For example, an alert is sent once when the Project Estimated Completion is in exactly 30 days.
  • The date operators that end with "ago" (such as Weeks Ago) trigger the workflow one time, x weeks (or days, or months) after the date. For example, an alert is sent once exactly two weeks after the Project Estimate Completion has passed.
  • The date operators that begin with "Next" and "Last" (such as Next Days, Last Month) cause an alert to be sent every time that the workflow process fires. For example, an alert is sent to the user daily when the Project Estimated Completion date is within the next 30 days. The email would continue to be sent every day until the Project Estimated Completion date is reached or you change it to a date outside of the range specified.
Value Use this field in conjunction with the Operator field to set the condition. Choices available here depend on the column that you selected. For example, if you select HireDate in the Column field, this field contains a pop-up calendar from which you can select a date. Or, if you select EM.Vendor, this field contains the Vendor lookup list.

In some cases, you enter the value directly.

If you selected empty, not empty, has changed, or has not changed in the Operator field, this field is not applicable.

Expression Build expressions when the basic conditions fields are not sufficient. When you select this option, Ajera CRM displays the SQL Expression Builder dialog box, which you use to build your own SQL expression for the event.
AND/OR Use this field to define the conditions more completely. Deltek recommends that you select either all ANDs or all ORs in these fields.