Workflow SQL Expression Builder Dialog Box

Use the SQL Expression Builder dialog box to create SQL expressions that are used as conditions for activating workflows.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > Workflow.
  2. Select User Initiated Workflow.


Field Description
Columns Select the column for which you want to create an expression. To select a field, double-click it or select it and click Add Field. The field name displays in the Expression grid.

Calculations can be simple or complex. You can create calculations with the Calculator or Use a Condition tools.

All character and string type fields are added to the expression with qualifiers (single quotes) around them when you click the Add Column button. All numeric type fields are added with no qualifiers.

Calculator Use the Calculator tool to create simple expressions with numbers and math calculations. You can click the calculator to select a number or symbol. You can also enter the number or symbol directly in the Expression grid.
Use a Condition Select this tool to create more complex expressions with conditions.

When Use a Condition is activated, three additional fields display in the Expression grid:

  • If this is true
  • Use this calculation
  • Otherwise use this calculation

Use these three fields to create the SQL expression.


This field displays the expression that you created. You can also enter conditions directly into this grid.

  • To insert a column, click Insert. If you choose the Use a Condition option, first select the Expression field for which you want to enter a column, then click Insert. Ajera CRM displays a list of columns available for that Info Center.
  • To undo the last change you made, click Undo Last Change.
  • To clear the expression, click Clear Expression.