Main Areas of Ajera CRM

Get acquainted with the different areas of Ajera CRM.

Area Description
Dashboard The Dashboard is your "portal" into Ajera CRM, allowing you to create a personalized view of your business world.
Info Center The Info Center is where you enter and manage your business-related data, including basic information about projects and employees.
Calendar and Activities The Calendar and Activities application provides you with options for scheduling and managing your daily activities, as well as maintaining information about your clients and contacts.
Proposals Proposals streamlines production of SF330, SF254, SF255, and Custom proposals. It minimizes preparation time and improves communication among the proposal team.
Reporting Reporting offers you a wide range of reports that present information about all aspects of your projects, clients, employees, and accounts.
Utilities Utilities are maintenance activities that you use to keep your Ajera CRM implementation running optimally.
Configuration Configuration is where you make decisions about how you want Ajera CRM to work for your firm, including choosing the features and settings you want to use.