Activities Filter Dialog Box

Use the Activities Filter dialog box to control which activities display in your Activities dashpart.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. Click Dashboard at the top of the screen.
  2. Go to the Activities dashpart and click the drop-down next to the dashpart name.
  3. Click Configure.


Field Description
Filter Type

Click the drop-down arrow in this field to display the filter type:

  • Standard filter options allow you to apply filters using a standard set of search criteria.
  • Advanced filter options allow you to apply filters using simple search queries that you create.
Searches Click the drop-down arrow in this field to open a list of saved searches. When you click the drop-down arrow, Ajera CRM displays one or two folders containing saved Activities Filters (depending on your security rights, you may have access to a Personal folder and a Global folder). Select a saved filter from one of the folders and click on it to view the filter options that you selected. You can then modify the options.
Organize Click this button to open the Organize Options dialog box and save the filter options that you specified for the Activities grid. After you save your filter options, they are available when you select the Open Filter option on any Activity grid.
Clear Click this button to clear the options that you selected and reset the default selections on the Activities Filter dialog box. The dialog box remains open so that you can select a new set of filter options.
Apply Click this button to apply your filter options to the Activities grid and close the dialog box.
Cancel Click this button to close the dialog box without applying your filter options to the Activities grid.
View by Type When you schedule an activity, you can assign an activity type to the activity. If you assign types to your activities, you can use the options in this section to select which types of activities display in the Activities grid.

For example, to display only meetings in the Activities grid, clear the Phone Calls, Tasks, and Other options. Ajera CRM then displays only activities classified as meetings in the Activities grid.

You can define additional activity type values in the Activity Types Code Table in Code Table Configuration. See your system administrator for information about adding values to this list.

Only the default activity types display as options in the View by Type section. If you add types using the Activity Types Code Table, you must select the Other option to display those activities on the Activities grid.

View by Date Use the options in this section to select the calendar date (or dates) of the activities that you want to display in the Activities grid.
Date Options Use the drop-down list in this field to select the calendar dates for the activities that you want to display in the Activities grid.

Your options are:

  • None — Select this option to display all activities, regardless of the date on which they occur.
  • Today — Select this option to display activities for today's date only.
  • Today and Future — Select this option to display activities for today's date and all dates in the future.
  • Past — Select this option to display only activities that occurred prior to today's date.
  • Range — Select this option to display activities that fall within a range of dates. If you select this option you must complete the From and To fields in this section.
  • This Week — Select this option to display activities for the current week only.
  • This Month — Select this option to display activities for the current month only.
  • Next 7 Days — Select this option to display activities for the next 7 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 14 Days — Select this option to display activities for the next 14 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 30 Days — Select this option to display activities for the next 30 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 60 Days — Select this option to display activities for the next 60 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 90 Days — Select this option to display activities for the next 90 days only (this includes the current day).
From/To These fields are enabled when you select the Range option in the Date Options field. Use these fields to specify the range of dates for which you want to display activities. Ajera CRM displays all activities that occur on and between the dates you specify.
  • In the From field, enter the first date for which you want to display activities in the Activities grid.
  • In the To field, enter the last date for which you want to display activities in the Activities grid.

Click in either field to select a date.

View by Status Use the drop-down list in this field to select the status of the activities that you want to display in the Activities grid.

The activity status options are:

  • All — Select this option to view all activities, regardless of their status.
  • Pending — Select this option to view only activities with a Pending status.
  • Completed — Select this option to view only activities with a Completed status.
View by Association Use the fields in this section to filter the activities that display in the Activities grid by entering a specific client, contact, opportunity, project, employee, marketing campaign, and/or lead name in the appropriate fields.

When you enter a value in this section, the Activities grid displays only activities associated with the selected client, contact, opportunity, project, employee, marketing campaign, and/or lead.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box in the Info Center, the field that corresponds to the record type that you have open displays the name of the record that you have open. For example, if you have the ABC Systems client record open, then ABC Systems displays in the Client field.

Client Enter a client name in this field to display only activities associated with the selected client.

Use the Quick Find feature to select a client from your database or click Search in this field and select a client on the Client lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from a client record, the client's name displays in this field.

Contact Enter a contact name in this field to display activities associated with the selected contact.

Use the Quick Find feature to select a contact from your database or click Search in this field and select a contact from the Contact Lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from a contact record, the contact's name displays in this field.

Primary Select this option to display activities for which the selected contact is the primary contact.
Opportunity Enter an opportunity name in this field to display only activities associated with the selected opportunity.

Use the Quick Find feature to select an opportunity from your database, or click Search in this field and select an opportunity from the Opportunity lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from an opportunity record, the opportunity's name displays in this field.

Project Enter a project name in this field to display only activities associated with the selected project.

Use the Quick Find feature to select a project from your database, or click Search in this field and select a project from the Project Lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from a project record, the project's name displays in this field.

Owner Enter an employee name in this field to display activities for which the selected employee is the designated owner.

Use the Quick Find feature to select an employee from your database, or click Search in the blank field and select an employee from the Employee Lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from an employee record, the employee's name displays in this field.

Attendee Enter an attendee name in this field to display only activities for the selected attendee.

Use the Quick Find feature to select an employee from your database, or click Search in this field and select an employee from the Employee Lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from an employee record, the employee's name displays in the Owner field. The Attendee field is blank; Ajera CRM assumes that the owner is also an attendee.

Created by Enter an employee name in this field to display activities that were initiated by the selected employee.

Use the Quick Find feature to select an employee from your database, or click Search in this field and select an employee from the Employee Lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from an employee record, the employee's name does not automatically display in this field. You can enter an employee name in this field.

Marketing Campaign Enter a marketing campaign name in this field to display activities associated with the selected marketing campaign.

Use the Quick Find feature to select a marketing campaign from your database, or click Search in this field and select a marketing campaign from the Marketing Campaign Lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from a marketing campaign record, the marketing campaign's name displays in this field.

Lead Enter a lead name in this field to display activities associated with the selected lead.

Use the Quick Find feature to select a lead from your database, or click Search in this field and select a lead from the Lead Lookup.

If you open the Activities Filter dialog box from a lead record, the lead's name displays in this field.

Primary Select this option to display activities for which the selected lead is the primary lead.