Set Up Code Tables

Use the Code Table Maintenance form to add new code table entries, edit descriptions, re-order entries, and delete entries at any time. You can add an unlimited number of entries to any code table.

If you use multiple languages with Ajera CRM, the standard code tables display in the selected language. If you insert your own codes, you must translate the code and manually enter it in the Code Table Maintenance form. If you do not translate the custom code, Ajera CRM displays Text Not Translated as the description for this code.

To set up Code Tables, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > Code Tables.
  2. On the Code Table Maintenance form, select the name of the code table that you want to edit.
  3. Enter new codes.
    Option Description
    To add a new code Position the cursor on the row above where you want to insert the code and click Insert.
    To move one code Position the cursor on the code, and click Move Up or Move Down.
    To re-order all the codes alphabetically by code or description Click the Code or Description heading.
    Codes display in application drop-down lists in the order that you specify here.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Optional. To print a list of codes, select the code table (do not open it) on the Code Table form and then click Print.
  6. Optional. To export the list to Excel, use the Code Tables drop-down list.