Group Rows on a Grid

Some of the grids in Ajera CRM include an Enable Grouping option, which lets you select a column in the grid and use it to group the rows on the grid.

For example, you can group the employees on a project by role then, within role, by team status.

Groupings are not saved when you leave the application.

To group rows on a grid, complete the following steps:

  1. Click (the drop-down arrow) on the grid header.
  2. Select Enable Grouping. A field displays with the following instruction:

    Drag a column header here to group by that column.

  3. Drag and drop a column header into the field to establish the first-level sort.
  4. If necessary, drag a second column header over to meet the first column header, to establish the second-level sort.
  5. Continue dragging column headers until you have all of the sorting levels that you need.
  6. Drag column headers within the sorting tree to rearrange their order.