Batch Deletes Form

Use the Batch Deletes form to delete multiple Info Center records and proposal records. You can also use this utility to mark multiple Info Center records as "inactive."

Display the Batch Deletes Form

You display the form in Utilities.

To display the form:

From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Utilities > Advanced Utilities > Batch Deletes.

Contents of the Batch Deletes Form

You specify the Info Center or proposal type on this form, then delete the records or mark them as inactive.

Field Description
Info Center Select the Info Center or proposal type for which you want to delete records or mark records as inactive.
Delete Records To delete records, select an Info Center or proposal type and click this option. Ajera CRM displays the related lookup so that you can select the records that you want to delete.
Mark Records Inactive To mark records as inactive, select an Info Center and click this option. Ajera CRM displays the related lookup so that you can select the records that you want to mark as inactive.