Enable Phases and Tasks

Use the Enable Phases/Tasks utility to enable phases on a project with no phases, or to enable tasks on a phase with no tasks.

Prerequisite: Back up your Ajera CRM database.

To enable phases and tasks:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Utilities > Key Conversions > Enable Phases/Tasks.
  2. On the Enable Phases/Tasks form, click the Insert or Lookup/Insert grid option. Ajera CRM adds a blank row to the grid.
  3. Complete the fields on this form for a phase.
  4. Select one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    To save the conversion to run later Click Save.
    To run the conversion now Click Run.
    To schedule the conversion to run on a regular basis via the process server Click Schedule and complete the Schedule dialog box. If you use this option you cannot enable phases until this process has completed and tasks have been enabled.
    If you are running the conversion manually, Ajera CRM prompts you for confirmation to proceed. Click Yes. At completion, Ajera CRM displays the message "Convert complete" and refreshes the grid, without the inserted row. You can now enable task(s).
  5. Click Insert or Lookup/Insert. Ajera CRM adds a blank row to the grid.
  6. In the new row, click in the Project field and select the project from the lookup.
  7. Click in the Phase field and select the phase from the phase lookup.
  8. Complete the fields for a task.
  9. Select one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    To save the conversion to run later Click Save.
    To run the conversion now Click Run.
    To schedule the conversion to run on a regular basis via the process server Click Schedule and complete the Schedule dialog box. If you use this option, tasks are not enabled until this process has run.
    If you are running the conversion manually, Ajera CRM prompts you for confirmation to proceed. Click Yes. At completion, Ajera CRM displays the message "Convert complete" and the grid refreshed, without the inserted row. The task(s) are enabled.