Files Administration Utility

The external FILESTREAM database stores documents and templates that are uploaded in Ajera CRM. The Files Administration utility works with this database to allow you to search for, view, and confirm synchronization of these documents and templates with Ajera CRM to ensure you have the most current information.

FILESTREAM stores documents and templates for the following Ajera CRM areas:
  • Transaction Items: The Transaction Document Management (TDM) feature allows you to upload and associate supporting documents with transaction line items that you enter in Ajera CRM. You can use these documents in support of the transaction through the entire course of the Ajera CRM processes, and you can select documents that are specific to an individual transaction line or attach the same documents to multiple transaction lines. You also have the option to view or print supporting documents when you view or print certain reports.
  • Attachments: The Attachments tab allows you to upload and attach a document to the info center record. This is useful when there are documents, such as a contract or waiver, that are associated with the record. This document will reside with the record but will not be copied when a record is copied.
  • Proposals: When you create custom proposals, you can use Adobe InDesign to create merge templates that are used for the sections that make up a custom proposal. Merge templates contain merge codes that retrieve data from the fields of an Info Center, such as an employee's name and title. The templates also contain your company's styles for proposals: page layouts, font settings, graphics locations, and other details. When you use Adobe InDesign to create a template that will be merged with a Ajera CRM proposal, the File Administration utility allows you to view the Adobe Indesign templates that are in use with Ajera CRM.

If the FILESTREAM and Ajera CRM databases are not synchronized, Ajera CRM provides a Databases Out of Sync dialog box to alert you of the file mismatch. Contact your system administrator for details on data synchronization.