Import Utility Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to start importing data into Ajera CRM after the data has been validated.

This dialog box applies when the data that you are importing does not require a batch name.

This dialog box displays the number of valid records that were verified and inserted into the table that you entered in the Input Table Name field on the Main tab of the Import Utility form.


To display the dialog box:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Utilities > Advanced Utilities > Data Import.
  2. On the Import Utility form, complete the entry of information on the various tabs, and then click Validate on the toolbar.
  3. On the Import from a Text File dialog box, enter the text file that contains the data that you are importing, and click OK. If there are no errors and the data is validated, the Import Utility dialog box displays.


Field Description
Import Click this button to import the data from the import file into Ajera CRM.
Cancel Click this button if you do not want to proceed with the import process. You are returned to the Import Utility form.