Key Convert Project Format Form

Use the Key Convert Project Format form to change the format of project numbers.

Display the Key Convert Project Format Form

You display the form in Utilities.

To display the form:

From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Utilities > Key Formats > Projects.

Contents of the Key Convert Project Format Form

Specify whether or not to use leading zeros, set the project number length, and specify the delimiter symbol and position.

Field Description
Display Leading Zeros Select this option if you want Ajera CRM to add leading zeros to the number when you enter an incomplete project number in any Project field in the database. For example, if you enter 1.00 and your project number length is seven characters (includes the delimiter), Ajera CRM adds leading zeros to the project number (for example, 00001.00).

This option controls the display of the project numbers on forms and reports, as well as whether or not the project number must be a fixed length.

Do not select this option if you want Ajera CRM to leave the project number as entered. In this case, you can enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters for the project number when entering new project numbers in Project Info Center.

If you do not show leading zeros after you have already established an project number length with delimiters in specific position(s), the length and delimiter format will be removed. For example, the project number 0001.00 would become 1.00.

Delimiters are stored directly in the tables in the databases (with the value). When leading zeros are no longer used, the project number length is no longer a fixed value and the delimiter position is no longer valid.

Project Length Enter the desired project number length, between 1 and 30 numbers. The current length of the project number appears for reference.

If you decide to decrease the length of the number, first ensure that duplicate project numbers will not be created during the conversion (conversion will test for this).

Add/Remove from Left/Right If you want to add or remove characters from a project number, you can use this feature to determine whether the characters are added to or removed from the left or right side of the number.

For example, if you increase the project number length from 5 to 7, you can then use this feature to add those two numbers to the left of the number: 12345 becomes 0012345.

Conversely, if you decrease the project number length from 7 to 5, you can then use this feature to remove those two numbers to the right of the number: 1234567 becomes 12345.

Remember that the delimiter is counted as part of the project number length.

Project Delimiter Enter the desired delimiter for your project numbers. The current delimiter for your project number appears for reference.

A delimiter must be a special character, such as a period (.) or a comma (,); not 0 to 9, A to Z, or |.

Delimiters are counted as part of the project number length. For example, if the project number length is 6, the project delimiter is a period (.), and the project delimiter position is 4, the project number appears as 456.78.

Project Delimiter Position This value is required if you entered a delimiter in the Project Delimiter field. Enter the desired delimiter position for your project numbers. The position must be one less than the length of the field.

The current delimiter position for your project number appears for reference.

Project Delimiter 2 Enter a second delimiter, if desired, for your project numbers. The current second delimiter for your project number appears for reference.
Project Delimiter Position 2 Enter a second delimiter position, if desired, for your project numbers. The position must be greater than two and no higher than the project length plus one. It must also be after the first delimiter.
Sample Value This field displays the resulting format of the project number.