Upload Custom Reports from the Ajera CRM Application Server

Use the Load Custom Reports tab in the Report Administration utility to upload custom reports (.RDL files) from your Ajera CRM application server.

Before you upload reports from your Ajera CRM application server, you must place the custom report .RDL files in the folders on the application server that match the corresponding Ajera CRM Reporting submenus from which you want users to access the reports. See the "Ajera CRM Application Server Location for Custom Reports" topic for more information.

When you run the Report Administration utility to upload custom reports, Ajera CRM users cannot access any reports.

To load reports:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Utilities > Report Administration.
  2. On the Load Reports tab, the Location of reports on application server field prefills with the path to the reports on the Ajera CRM application server location, which is C:\Program Files(x86)\Deltek\Ajera CRM\Reports.
  3. From the drop-down list in the Report Type field, select Custom.
  4. In the Report Name field, enter the name of the custom report that you want to upload into Ajera CRM. Enter the report file name without the .RDL file extension.

    If you leave the Report Name field blank, all custom reports in the custom report folders on your Ajera CRM application server are loaded.

    If you select the Delete existing reports in each folder before loading check box, Ajera CRM deletes all reports of the type that you selected that are currently loaded in Ajera CRM, and then re-loads the reports from the application server Reports folder.

  5. Click the Load Report Files button.
  6. Click Yes on the dialog box that warns you that loading reports prevents users from running reports for a few minutes.
  7. On the dialog box that informs you that reports have been loaded, click OK. The custom report displays on the specified submenu of the Ajera CRM Reporting menu after you log out and back into Ajera CRM.

    The custom reports also displays in the Report Name drop-down list in Configuration > General > Custom Report Options where you can add parameters to them.

Post-requisite: After you upload your custom report, verify role security settings to ensure that the desired users have access to the newly uploaded reports. Contact your Ajera CRM Administrator to verify and update the role security settings for the custom report.