Loading Custom Reports into Ajera CRM

You use the Report Administration utility to upload custom reports with .RDL file extensions into Ajera CRM.

In the utility, there are two ways to upload custom reports, depending on where the reports are currently located:

  • On the Load Reports tab in Report Administration, you upload custom reports from the Ajera CRM application server into Ajera CRM. Using this method, you must place the .RDL files in the folders on the application server that match the corresponding Ajera CRM Reporting submenus from which you want users to access the reports.
  • On the Custom Reports tab in Report Administration, you upload custom reports into Ajera CRM from any location on a workstation.

When you use either of these upload methods, the custom reports are copied to your Ajera CRM report server and added to a submenu under the Reporting menu in the Ajera CRM Navigation pane.

After you upload your custom report, verify role security settings to ensure that the desired users have access to the newly uploaded reports. Contact your Ajera CRM Administrator to verify and update the role security settings for the custom report.

Deltek does not support the deployment of reports onto your Ajera CRM report server directly from within the BIDS or Report Designer software.