Contacts Table Formats (Contacts)

Follow Ajera CRM specifications for preparing a file containing contact data.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
ContactID varchar 32 Internal reference number for the Contact record; primary key
ClientID varchar 32 Internal reference number for the Client record; must exist in CL (ClientID/Client)
CLAddress varchar 20 Internal foreign key link to the CLAddress Table; must exist in CLAddress
Vendor varchar 20 Internal reference number for the Vendor record; must exist in VE
VEAddress varchar 20 Internal foreign key link to the VEAddress Table; must exist in VEAddress
Type varchar 10 Variable indicating whether the contact is a Client or a Vendor; required field; must exist in CFGContactType (Code/Description)
LastName varchar 30 Contact's last name; required field
FirstName varchar 25 Contact's first name
MiddleName varchar 30 Contact's middle name
Salutation varchar 5 Prefix to use with the contact's name; must exist in CFGPrefix
Suffix varchar 20 Suffix to use with the contact's name; must exist in CFGSuffix
Title varchar 50 Contact's title; null or must exist in CFGContactTitle
Address1 varchar 50 First line of the contact's address
Address2 varchar 50 Second line of the contact's address
Address3 varchar 50 Third line of the contact's address
Address4 varchar 50 Fourth line of the contact's address
City varchar 30 City in the contact's address
State varchar 10 State in the contact's address.

The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in Ajera CRM. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.

ZIP varchar 10 ZIP code in the contact's address
Country varchar 40 Country in the contact's address
Phone varchar 24 Contact's telephone number
Fax varchar 24 Contact's telephone number for facsimile transmissions
Pager varchar 24 Contact's telephone number for paging
CellPhone varchar 24 Contact's cellular phone number
HomePhone varchar 24 Contact's home telephone number
EMail varchar 50 Contact's e-mail address
Memo text 16 Text memo field for notes about the contact
MailingAddress varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the address is the contact's mailing address; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is N
PrimaryInd varchar 1 Reserved for future use; default is N (No)
ContactStatus varchar 10 Variable indicating the contact's status; valid options are A (Active) or I (Inactive); must exist in ContactStatus (Code/Description)
PreferredName varchar 60 Contact's preferred name, as entered on the general tab of the Contacts Info Center
Source varchar 50 Populated from Source in the Lead's Info Center record, when the contact is a converted lead