Employees Licenses Table Formats (EMRegistration)

Follow Ajera CRM specifications for preparing a file containing employee license data.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Employee varchar 20 Employee's employee number; required field; must exist in EM
Seq smallint 2 Internal sequence number for the license, reflecting its user-specified order on the grid
Registration varchar 10 Professional license; required field; must exist in CFGEMRegistration (Code/Description)
RegistrationNo varchar 60 License number
CountryRegistered varchar 40 Country where the license was issued.
StateRegistered varchar 10 State where the license was issued.

The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in Ajera CRM. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.

DateEarned datetime 8 License effective date
DateExpires datetime 8 License expiration date
IncludeInProposal varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not this license is to be included with the employee's data when the employee is included in proposals; valid options are Y (Yes) or (No); default is Y
LastRenewed datetime 8 Date when the license was last renewed