Leads Table Formats (Leads)

Follow Ajera CRM specifications for preparing a file containing lead data.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
LeadID varchar 32 Internal reference number for the Lead record; primary key
Prefix varchar 10 Lead's prefix
FirstName varchar 25 Lead's first name
MiddleName varchar 30 Lead's middle name
LastName varchar 30 Lead's last name; required field
Suffix varchar 20 Lead's suffix
Title varchar 50 Lead's title
Description varchar 100 User-entered description of the lead
Company varchar 100 Lead's company
Rating varchar 10 Lead's rating; CFGLeadRating (Code/Description)
Status varchar 10 Lead's status; null or must exist in CFGLeadStatus (Code/Description)
StatusReason varchar 10 Reason for the lead's status; null or must exist in CFGLeadStatusReason (Code/Description)
Source varchar 50 Lead's source
Industry varchar 10 Lead's industry; CFGIndustry (Code/Description)
Address1 varchar 50 First line of the lead's address
Address2 varchar 50 Second line of the lead's address
Address3 varchar 50 Third line of the lead's address
City varchar 30 Lead's city
State varchar 10 Lead's state.

The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in Ajera CRM. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.

Zip varchar 10 Lead's zip code
Country varchar 40 Lead's country
BusinessPhone varchar 24 Lead's business telephone number
BusinessFax varchar 24 Lead's business facsimile transmission number
Mobile varchar 24 Lead's cellular telephone number
Home varchar 24 Lead's home telephone number
Pager varchar 24 Lead's pager telephone number
Email varchar 50 Lead's email address
Website varchar 255 Lead's website URL
RecordStatus varchar 10 Lead record's status; valid options are Active and Inactive
Employee varchar 20 Lead's owner
PreferredName varchar 60 Lead's preferred name