Opportunities Proposals Table Formats (OpportunityProposals)

Follow Ajera CRM specifications for preparing a file containing Opportunities Proposals.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
ProposalID varchar 32 Internal reference number for the proposal record; primary key; required field
Name varchar 50 Proposal's name; required field
Number varchar 20 Proposal's number
Type varchar 30 Proposal's type; null or must exist in CFGProposalType
OpportunityID varchar 32 Internal reference number for the opportunity record; primary key; must exist in Opportunity (OpportunityID/Opportunity)
Org varchar 14 Proposal's organization; null or must exist in Organization
Employee varchar 20 Proposal's Responsible Person; required field; must exist in EM
Status varchar 10 Proposal's status; null or must exist in CFGProposalStatus (Code/Description)
Source varchar 10 Proposal's source; null or must exist in CFGProposalSource (Code/Description)
DateAdvertised datetime 8 Date when the request for proposal was advertised
SubmittalDate datetime 8 Date when the proposal was submitted
Notes text 16 Text entered by the user on the Notes tab of the Proposal Log form
LinkedProposal varchar 32 Name of the custom proposal associated with the opportunity, as it appears on the Proposal Log form
LinkedGovtProposal varchar 32 Name of the SF255 proposal associated with the opportunity, as it appears on the Proposal Log form
DueDate datetime 8 Deadline date for submitting the proposal
AwardDate datetime 8 Date when the proposal's project was awarded
Fee decimal 9 Fee to be received for the proposal's project
LinkedSF330 varchar 32 Name of the SF330 proposal associated with the opportunity, as it appears on the Proposal Log form