Organize Email Templates Dialog Box

Use the Organize Email Templates dialog box to save your email templates for future use. You can also create new folders within the Global or Personal Templates. The fields on this dialog box depend on your Email Template Organizing security setting on the General tab of the Roles form.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Info Center toolbar, click Email > Email Template.
  2. On the Email Templates dialog box, click Organize.


Field Description
Folder Name Select a folder from the drop-down list:
  • Personal Options — Select this option to save options for your own personal use. If your Email Template Organizing security setting is Save Personal Only, this is the only choice available to you.
  • Global Options — Select this option to save a set of options to share with others in your security role, or for global use.
Save Name Enter a new name or select an existing one. To save a new set of options, enter a name for the set in this field. To modify a set of saved options, use the drop-down list to select the set to update. Ajera CRM overwrites the existing contents of the set with the new option settings that you specify.
Save record selection Select this option to have Ajera CRM save the records selected in the Records field and the email addresses in the fields on the To, CC, and BCC tabs of the Email Templates dialog box with these template settings. If you do not select this option, Ajera CRM does not save these records and addresses with the template.
Use as default template Select this option to use these settings as your personal default settings. These settings load each time you select Email > Email Template from the Info Center where you saved the settings.
Access to all roles Select this option to save the set of options as a global set, available to all Ajera CRM users. To use this option, set the Email Template Organizing security setting on the General tab of the Roles form to Save for All Roles.
Available Roles and Assigned Roles Use these columns to restrict access to a set of saved template options, according to Ajera CRM Security roles. Any employee associated with a role listed in the Assigned Roles column has access to the set of saved options that you create or modify.
Delete Click this option to delete the template. Ajera CRM prompts you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to confirm.
Save Click this option to save the settings for the template in the folder that you specified.
Close Click this option to close the dialog box.
Help Click this option to display online help.