Send Email Dialog Box

Use the Send Email dialog box to compose and send email messages to employees or contacts, to send emails to all users when you need users to log off Ajera CRM for routine maintenance, and to send Ajera CRM reports as email attachments.


To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

Select one of the following options:
  • Click an Email option on the Info Center toolbar.
  • Click Actions > Email Users on the User Activity toolbar in the Utilities application.
  • Click Email on the Reporting Grid toolbar or the Email Report option on the Preview page in the Reporting application.


Field Description
To Info Center

If you are sending an email to one person, the email address for the employee, contact, or lead displays in this field. Ajera CRM uses the email addresses from the corresponding record. (You enter an email address on the General tab of the Employee, Contact, or Lead Info Center.)

You can enter additional email addresses in this field.

User Activity Utility

This field is blank. Do not enter anything in this field.


You can enter email addresses in this field.

CC Enter email addresses for the people to receive a copy of the email message.
BCC Info Center

If you are sending an email message to more than one person, the email addresses for the employees, contacts, and leads display in this field. Ajera CRM uses the email addresses from the corresponding records.(You enter an email address on the General tab of the Employee, Contact, or Lead Info Center.)

You can enter additional email addresses.

User Activity Utility

The email addresses of all users currently logged on to Ajera CRM display in this field.


You can enter email addresses in this field.

Subject Info Center

Enter a subject line for the email. If you chose to create an activity, the subject you entered on the Create Activity dialog box displays in this field.

User Activity Utility


The name of the report that you are sending displays as the subject.

Message Info Center

Enter your email message.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

User Activity Utility


Enter your email message.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

Attachments Click this button to attach a file to be sent with the email message. When you click this button, the Send Email dialog box expands to display an attachments grid. Use this grid to attach files to the email.
Insert On the Attachments grid, click this option to attach a file to the email. When the Windows Choose File dialog box opens, use it to search for and select the file that you want to send with the email message. After you select a file, the file name and path display in the Attachments grid.
Delete On the Attachments grid, select the row in the grid that contains the attachment that you want to delete and then click this option. The file is removed from the grid and is not included as an attachment when you send the email.
File This field displays the name and path of the file that you selected to send with your email message.
Send Click this option to send the email message and close the dialog box.
Cancel Click this option to close the dialog box without sending the email.
Help Click this option to display online help.