Combined Client and Vendor Info Centers

You can share data between the Client and Vendor Info Centers and streamline their information in a central location.

You can use a single, combined Info Center to maintain all client and vendor information, or keep the Info Centers separate and then link client and vendor records together to share the data.

You can merge the Client and Vendor Info Centers in one central location. This single Info Center can track all firms with which you interact. In this case, you can name the single Info Center “Firms,” enter all customer and vendor/partner data in this one location, and eliminate the need to maintain the data in two separate Info Centers.

  • New Ajera CRM users who want to take advantage of this feature can use the Ajera CRM implementation process, which includes entering company data in the Client Info Center only. Use Security Configuration to disable the Vendor Info Center for all roles.
  • Existing Ajera CRM users who want to combine data from the two Info Centers, but already have records entered in both Info Centers, must use the Create Client from Vendor utility to add the vendor records to the Client Info Center. Use Security Configuration to disable the Vendor Info Center for all roles.