Email Templates Dialog Box

Use the Email Templates dialog box to create email templates that contain regular text and database fields. Ajera CRM merges this information into messages that are distributed to all recipients listed in the To field.


To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

On the Info Center toolbar, click Email > Email Template.


Field Description
Records Click Search to open the Info Center lookup to determine where Ajera CRM looks for database fields to include in the email template subject or body.

The lookup that displays depends on the info center:

  • If you select the records from the Employee, Contact, or Lead Info Centers, the records selected here also determine who receives the email.
  • If you select the records from the Project or Opportunity Info Centers, the selections here determine only records available for merging. Use the Advanced options to determine who receives the email.
Template From the drop-down list, select an existing template to use as the basis for a new email message.
Organize Click this button to display the Organize Options dialog box, on which you can save templates.
Subject Enter your email message subject. If you chose to create an activity when Ajera CRM prompted, the subject that you entered on the Create Activity dialog box displays in this field.

You can add text or field codes that act as placeholders for data:

  • Regular Text — You can enter text directly in this field.
  • Field Codes — Click Insert Field to open the Insert Field dialog box. On this dialog box, select fields to insert from a list of all fields in the info center from which you opened the Email Templates dialog box. For each field, Ajera CRM inserts a code as a placeholder. When the message is sent, the field codes are replaced with data from that field for that record. If no data is selected for merging in the Subject or Message fields, Ajera CRM uses Standard email functionality, even though you entered information from the Email Templates dialog box.
Message Enter the text for your email message. You can add text or field codes that act as placeholders for data.
  • Regular Text — You can enter text directly in this field.

    Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.

  • Field Codes — Click Insert to open the Insert Field dialog box. On this dialog box, select fields to insert from a list of all fields in the info center from which you opened the Email Templates dialog box. For each field, Ajera CRM inserts a code as a placeholder. When the message is sent, the field codes are replaced with data from that field for that record. If no data is selected for merging in the Subject or Message fields, Ajera CRM uses Standard email functionality, even though you entered information from the Email Templates dialog box.
Attachments Click this option to expand the Send Email dialog box to display an attachments grid. Use this grid to attach files to the email message.
Insert Click this option to attach a file to the email message. After you select a file, the file name and path display in the Attachments grid.
Delete Click the row in the grid that contains the attachment that you want to delete and then click this option.
File This field displays the name and path of the file you selected to send with each email message.
Advanced When you click this button, the To, CC, and BCC tabs display. Use these tabs to select who will receive the email message. When you click Send, the email message generates based on the template that you created. Each email address listed in the Emails or Special Fields fields on the To, CC, and BCC tabs receives one email message for each record selected from the Record field.
  • Emails — Enter email addresses in this field or click Search to open the Search for addresses dialog box. From this dialog box, enter email addresses or click the To, CC or BCC buttons to open the Employee, Leads, or Contacts Lookup dialog box. Use semicolons to separate addresses.
  • Special Fields — Click Search to open the Special Fields dialog box. On this dialog box, select people who you want to receive this email message. For example, you define a field called Contact Manager in the Contacts Info Center. This field links to the employee record for the person responsible for this contact relationship. You can then cc this individual by selecting his record from the Special Fields field on the CC tab.
Send Test Email Click this option to send yourself a test email message. This email message contains the merged text that replaces the field codes from the Employee Info Center record or from the first Contact, Lead, Project, or Opportunity record in the list.
Send Click this option to send the email message and close the Send Email dialog box.
Cancel Click this option to close the Send Email dialog box and not send the email message.
Help Click this option to display online help.