Copy Merge Templates

You can copy an existing merge template in Ajera CRM to create a new merge template.

This applies for both Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign merge templates.

To copy an existing merge template, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > Merge Templates.
  2. In the Info Center Area field on the Merge Templates form, select the Info Center for the template that you want to copy.
  3. In the Merge Template grid, select the merge template to copy.
  4. Click Copy on the grid toolbar.

    A new row is inserted in the grid, and the Template File Name and Type columns prefill with the information from the template that you copied.

  5. In the blank Description column, enter a description for the new merge template.

    When you move away from this field, the description is used to rename the file in the Template File Name column.

  6. Click Save on the Merge Templates form toolbar.