Cost and Fee Proposals

You can create cost or fee custom proposals that include detailed labor, expense, consultant, and unit information from the Service Estimate tab of the Opportunities Info Center.

The following fields from the Service Estimate tab of the Opportunities Info Center are available when you create a merge template with either Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word for custom proposals:

  • Total Consultants Planned Bill
  • Total Consultants Planned Cost
  • Total Expenses Planned Bill
  • Total Expenses Planned Cost
  • Total Labor Planned Bill
  • Total Labor Planned Cost
  • Total Units Planned Cost
  • Total Units Planned Bill
  • Total Bill (from the Analysis grid on the Service Estimate tab)
  • Total Cost (from the Analysis grid on the Service Estimate tab)

Adobe InDesign Merge Templates

You access the fields from the Service Estimate tab in Configuration > General > Merge Templates when you create a merge template for the Opportunities Info Center with InDesign. After you select Opportunities in the Table field on the Merge Code dialog box, the fields from the Service Estimate tab are available in the drop-down list in the Field field on the Merge Code dialog box.

Microsoft Word Merge Templates

To access the fields from the Service Estimate tab when you create a merge template with Word, you must first download a copy of the file from Ajera CRM Utilities > Download Merge Macro. After you install the macro in Word on a workstation, you see the Service Estimate tab fields in the left pane of the Opportunities macro.