Controls on the Display Settings Dialog Box

Use the controls on the Display Settings dialog box to restore defaults, set background colors and gradients, specify font colors, or select a color scheme.

Control Description
Control Selection This field displays all available controls for the selected tab and allows you to select the control whose appearance you want to modify.

To change a control's appearance, use the Background and Foreground settings. To change these settings, you must deselect Use Default Values.

As you modify the control's features, the preview fields at the top of the dialog box update to reflect your selections.

Use Default Values Select this option to reset a control to its default setting. This enables the corresponding control and disables the Background and Foreground group boxes.
Background Use this group box to change the background color of a control, including gradient, solid, and border colors.
Gradient Certain controls have color gradients that you can customize. When you select one of these controls, the Gradient option becomes enabled. You can specify these values on the Select Hue dialog box or you can enter values in the following fields:
  • Hue — Select a numeric value from 0 through 359. This number refers to the attribute of a color that allows it to be classified as yellow, blue, and red.
  • Saturation —Select or enter the gradient’s color saturation value as a percentage of the default gradient. For half the saturation level, enter 50%. For twice the saturation level, enter 200%. Entering 0% removes all color, creating a gray-scale gradient.
  • Luminance — Select or enter the gradient’s perceived brightness level as a percentage of the default gradient. For half the brightness level, enter 50%. For twice the brightness level, enter 200%. Entering 0% will change the gradient to solid black. If you enter very large values, the gradient changes to solid white.
Solid Color If the control uses a solid color, you can modify the fill and border. Selecting this option may also enable the Border Color field and corresponding Red, Green, and Blue fields. You can specify the color values on the Select Color dialog box or you can enter component values from 0 through 255.
Border Color This option and its Red, Green, and Blue fields are enabled only when you select the Solid Color option for controls with a border. You can specify the color values by using the Select Color dialog box or by entering component values from 0 through 255.
Foreground Use this group box to change the foreground color of a control, including text color, and red, green, and blue settings.
Text Color Use this option to define the text color settings that Ajera CRM uses for labels, fields, and links throughout its interface. You can specify the text color values by using the Select Color dialog box or by entering component values from 0 through 255 in the Red, Green, and Blue fields.
Settings Use this drop-down list to select a pre-defined global theme for the display settings. This list includes the following:
  • A pre-installed color theme that you can select to set the color across all controls.
  • Global themes created and saved by your system administrator.

When you display this dialog box, your current settings are loaded but this field does not have a value. In addition, if you select a saved setting and any of the display settings change, the value of this field is cleared.