Info Center Properties Dialog Box

Use the Info Center Properties dialog box to add or modify the singular and plural labels for the Info Center, insert a URL to link to online help, and control whether or not activities, links, and/or attachments can be included in the Info Center.


To display the tab, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > User-Defined Components.
  2. On the User-Defined Components toolbar, click Info Center Properties.


Field Description
Application Select the application for which you want to create or modify tabs. This list includes user-defined and standard Info Centers.
Type This field is based on the selected Application. An application that is shipped with Ajera CRM displays as a Standard type, and a user-defined application displays as a Custom type.
Info Center Labels Use this group box to define the singular and plural labels used in the new Info Center. These values also display on the Set Up Field Labels screen in Configuration > General > System Settings, where they can be modified.
Help URL When you create a user-defined Info Center, you can link the Info Centers to a custom help file that your organization created. This help file will launch when you click the Help button in the user-defined Info Center. Use the Help URL field to enter a URL that links to the user-defined Info Center's online help file. This URL can be a maximum of 255 characters in length.
Automatically Include Select these options to automatically include the specified grids in the new Info Center.
  • Activities Grid — Select this option to add an Activities tab to the Tabs grid.
  • Links Grid — Select this option to include a Links tab on the Tabs grid.
  • Attachments Grid — Select this option to include an Attachments tab on the Tabs grid.

Available actions for data input will be similar to that for standard Info Centers.

Database Table Name This field displays the name of the internal table that is created for the user-defined Info Center. The Database Table Name is needed when creating custom reports or advanced workflows.