Insert Merge Codes for a Graphic in an Adobe InDesign Merge Template

Use the Proposal Graphic merge code to add a graphics frame to an Adobe InDesign merge template.

The graphics merge code is a placeholder that allows you to insert one or more graphic files in Ajera CRM Custom Proposals into a section of a custom proposal.

To insert a graphics merge code in an InDesign merge template, complete the following steps:

  1. When you create or update an InDesign merge template in Ajera CRM, on the Merge Code dialog box in Ajera CRM, select Proposal Graphic from the drop-down list in the Field field. If you need more instructions on how to create a merge template and open the Merge Code dialog box, see the "Create a Ajera CRM Merge Template with Adobe InDesign" help topic or the "Update an Adobe InDesign Merge Template in Ajera CRM" topic.
  2. In the InDesign active text frame, place your mouse pointer in the location where you want to insert the graphics merge code.
  3. Return to the Merge Code dialog box, and in the Format section, enter the number 1 in the Graphic Number field if this is the first graphic you are inserting into the template. Because you can have multiple graphics in a merge template, numbers are used to identify the different graphics in a merged document. For merge templates with multiple graphics merge codes, when you insert the graphic files in Custom Proposals, the first graphic that you insert will be placed where the graphic 1 merge code is located; the second graphic file that you insert will be placed where the graphic 2 merge code is located; and so on.
  4. Click Insert to insert the proposal graphic merge code into the InDesign active text frame. In the InDesign active text frame, you now see an empty graphic frame inserted between the begin code [Proposal Graphic|{Graphic} 1] and the end code [{End Graphic}].
  5. To add more graphic frames to the merge template, repeat steps 2-4, and enter the next number in the Graphic Number field.
After you add a graphic frame to the merge template, you can use any functionality in InDesign to change the frame properties and format the graphic in InDesign, including:
  • Size — The height and width of the graphic.
  • Resizing — Whether or not the graphic is resized to fit within the frame or merged as-is (so you may only see a piece of the graphic).
  • Wrapping of other objects, such as text, around the graphic.
  • Stroke (borders).
  • Effects, such as drop-shadows.
  • Justification.
  • Transparency.

After you create a merge template that contains graphics merge codes, in Ajera CRM Custom Proposals, you insert the merge template into a custom proposal section and then insert the graphic files into the custom proposal section.