Insert Merge Codes for Project Descriptions in an Adobe InDesign Merge Template

Use the Proposal Description merge code to insert project descriptions into a custom proposal.

This applies only if you are using an Adobe InDesign merge template for a custom proposal section in Custom Proposals. The project descriptions that are retrieved with the Proposal Description merge code are the descriptions that you enter in the Descriptions grid on the Background tab of the Project Info Center.

To insert a project description merge code in an Adobe InDesign merge template, complete the following steps:

  1. When you create or update an InDesign merge template in Ajera CRM, be sure you select Projects in the Info Center Area field. If you need more instructions on how to create a merge template and open the Merge Code dialog box, see the "Create a Ajera CRM Merge Template with Adobe InDesign" help topic or the "Update an Adobe InDesign Merge Template in Ajera CRM" topic.
  2. On the Merge Code dialog box, select Projects in the Table field.
  3. In the drop-down list in the Field field, select Proposal Description.
  4. In the InDesign active text frame, place your mouse pointer in the location where you want to insert the Proposal Description merge code.
  5. Return to the Merge Code dialog box, and click Insert to insert the Proposal Description merge code into the InDesign active text frame. In the InDesign active text frame, you now see the merge code:

    [Proposal Description|{BlockText}]

    There is only one merge code (instead of both a beginning and end code). This serves as a placeholder for the project description text that you add in Custom Proposals.

In Ajera CRM Custom Proposals, you must add projects and their descriptions on the Project section tab. For instructions, see the "Add a Project Description to a Custom Proposal Section" topic.