Insert Merge Codes for Ajera CRM Grids in an Adobe InDesign Merge Template

You can insert merge codes for grid fields from associated or non-associated grids in an Adobe InDesign merge template.

To insert a grid field in an InDesign merge template, complete the following steps:

  1. When you create or edit an InDesign merge template in Ajera CRM, on the Merge Code dialog box in Ajera CRM, select an associated or non-associated grid table from the drop-down list in the Table field.

    If you need more instructions on how to create a merge template and open the Merge Code dialog box, see the "Create a Ajera CRM Merge Template with Adobe InDesign" help topic or the "Update an Adobe InDesign Merge Template in Ajera CRM" topic.

  2. In the InDesign active text frame, click your mouse pointer in the location where you want to add the grid fields.
  3. In the Merge Code dialog box, click the Insert Begin/End Codes button to insert a [Begin] code and an [End] code into the active text frame in InDesign.

    Example of what this looks like in InDesign:



    You move back and forth between the Ajera CRM Merge Code dialog box and the InDesign active text frame.

  4. In the InDesign active text frame, place your mouse pointer in between the begin and end codes.
  5. Return to the Merge Code dialog box, and from the Field drop-down list, select the grid field to insert between the begin and end codes in the merge template.
  6. Click Insert on the Merge Code dialog box to insert the grid field into the InDesign active text frame between the begin and end codes.
  7. To add other grid fields from the same grid to the merge template, add these fields within the same begin and end codes by repeating steps 4–5.

    Do not mix grid fields from different grids between one set of begin and end codes. You must use separate begin and end codes for different grid templates.

When you add grid field merge codes to a merge template and there are multiple records in the grid, a blank row appears between the row of grid data for each grid record in the merged document. To prevent the blank row from displaying in a merged document, follow the steps in the "Prevent Blank Rows from Displaying Between the Rows of Data for Each Grid Record in a Merged Document" topic.

Because grids can include many rows of data for multiple records, it is possible in a merged document for the merged data to exceed the space that is allotted in an InDesign text frame. To prevent this from happening, follow the steps in the "Prevent Merged Document Content from Exceeding the Space" topic.