Prevent Merged Document Content from Exceeding the Space

When you add grid field merge codes to an Adobe InDesign merge template, because grids can include many rows of data for multiple records, it is possible in the merged document for the data to exceed the space that is allotted in an InDesign text frame.

This topic applies for merged documents that you create with an Adobe InDesign merge template.

To prevent grid field data and records from exceeding the InDesign text frame space, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the steps in the "Insert Merge Codes for Ajera CRM Grids in an Adobe InDesign Merge Template" topic to add grid field merge codes to a merge template.
  2. In the InDesign active text frame for the merge template, create a second page with another text frame and link the two. This will allow larger quantities of text to flow onto the next page of a merged document.
An alternative to these steps is to adjust the text manually in the merged document itself.