Email Tab of General System Settings Form

Use the Email tab to configure system-wide email options. Identify your company’s email servers and passwords so that Ajera CRM can send email messages for alerts or errors.


Field Description
Email Server Enter the host name or IP address of an SMTP-compliant email server.
Port Enter the SMTP port that the SMTP server that you entered above uses.
Use TLS If you use an email provider, such as Microsoft Office 365, that uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption, select this check box.

When you select this check box, enter the following on the Email tab:

  • In the Email Server field, enter the address of the SMTP server, such as if you use Office 365.
  • In the Port field, enter 25. In some cases, port 25 or 587 may be required.
  • In the Username and Password fields, enter a username and password if they are required by your email provider for sending emails via SMTP. For example, enter your Office 365 username and password if you use Office 365.

If you use smtp.office365 or other SMTP vendors who require that an existing account must match the email address in the From field of emails from Ajera CRM, then you may need to create or rename an account/mailbox to match the two default sender email addresses used in Ajera CRM.

The two default email addresses are derived by taking the email address that is entered in the Default Sender field on the Email tab in General System Settings and adding the following prefixes to it:
  • Deltek_ — Invoice Approval and Billing Transfer email alerts use this prefix.
  • DeltekAdmin_ — All other Ajera CRM applications use this prefix.

For example, if you enter in the Default Sender field, the Ajera CRM default sender email addresses are and

Add DeltekAdmin_ Prefix to the Default Sender Email Address This option is selected by default and, for email authentication, automatically inserts the prefix DeltekAdmin_ to the sender's email messages. This allows the recipient to validate the authenticity of the sender.

Clear this option to remove the prefix from emails.

Email Size Limit Enter the maximum email message size limit, in Megabytes (MB). For example, if you enter 10, Ajera CRM will not send emails larger than 10 MBs.
Number of Emails to Send at Once Select this option to specify the number of email messages that can be sent at one time. This organizes the emails into groups of batches. For example, enter 100 to send emails in batches of 100. If there is a timesheet due alert that will be sent to 500 users, then 5 batches of 100 emails will be sent.
Default Sender Enter the default email address that you want to use when emails are sent by Ajera CRM. Ajera CRM also uses this address if an employee sends an email message from within Ajera CRM and that employee does not have an associated email address.
Use Default Sender for Default Reply To Select this option if you want the Reply email address (the address that displays when you click Reply) to be the same as the email address you entered in the Default Sender field.

Do not select this option if you want the Reply address to be different from the address you entered in the Default Sender field. In this case, enter a different address in the Default Reply To field.

Default Reply To Enter a default Reply email address that displays when you click Reply.
Default Help Desk Use this field to funnel all Ajera CRM help desk inquiries to a single email address. Ajera CRM uses the address you enter here to route any email messages that users send via Help > Help Desk.
Username (optional) If your SMTP server requires domain authentication, enter the username in this field. This is a domain username, not a Ajera CRM username.
Password (optional) If your SMTP server requires domain authentication, enter the password (that matches the domain username above) in this field. This is a domain password, not a Ajera CRM password.
Application URL Enter your company's entire URL. For example: This field is required if you want alert emails to work in Ajera CRM.