Map User Defined Fields and Grids

Use the Mapping tab to map user-defined fields and grid information. These mappings are used for actions such as creating a project from an opportunity.

Prerequisite: If you are new to mapping fields, review Guidelines for Mapping Fields before you continue.

To map fields and grids, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > User-Defined Components.
  2. On the User-Defined Components form, click the Mappings tab. Because you map between specific Info Centers and applications, the Application field does not apply to this tab.
  3. Click Insert.

    Ajera CRM inserts a new row. Each row represents a mapping of either fields or grids between the Opportunity Info Center and the Contract Info Center.

  4. Complete the fields in the row.
  5. Click Save.