Campaign/Leads Tab of the Create Activities Dialog Box (Workflows)

Use the Campaign/Leads tab to associate a marketing campaign as well as one or more leads with an activity.

The term "lead" is used in Ajera CRM to represent prospect contacts or unqualified contacts that may lead to future business. Your firm may use a different term to describe these people and companies. If so, consider changing the term "lead" to a different term throughout Ajera CRM.

Field Description
Marketing Campaign Enter the name of the marketing campaign associated with the activity.

You can enter a marketing campaign name directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a marketing campaign from your database, or click and use the Marketing Campaign Lookup to select a marketing campaign.

Primary Lead Enter the name of the primary (main) lead associated with the activity, if applicable.

You can enter a lead directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a lead from your database, or click and use the Leads Lookup to select a lead.

Name To enter a Lead name, click Insert and select the name from the Leads Lookup.