Detail Tab of the Create Activities Dialog Box (Workflows)

Use the Detail tab to enter details about the activity that you want to have occur as the result of a workflow event.

Field Description
Subject Enter a brief description of the activity or select a subject from the drop-down list. Typically, the subject is a short descriptive statement, such as Initial Consultation or Follow-up Visit. You define activity subject values using the Activity Subject Code Table in Code Table Configuration. See your system administrator for information about adding values to this list.
Location Enter the location where the activity will occur.
Private Select this option if you want the activity to be classified as private. Details for a private activity can be viewed only by the owner of the activity. If you are an attendee of a private meeting, the actual subject line displays on the Activity Manager form and you can open the activity and edit it based on your calendar access rights.
Type Use the drop-down list in this field to select an activity type for the activity, such as Meeting or Teleconference.

From the Display field, select one of the following settings from the drop-down list: Calendar, Task, Activity Manager Only.

To define activity type options, use the Activity Type Code Table in Code Table Configuration. See your system administrator for information about adding values to this list.

Priority Use the drop-down list in this field to set a priority status for pending activities, based on their urgency.
Completed Select this option to change the status of an activity from Pending to Completed.
Client Enter the name of the client associated with the activity, if applicable.

Depending on the type of Info Center workflow (for example, Employee, Lead), the information in this field may have default values already entered, such as [Current User]. This is because the workflow relates to a specific record or user and Ajera CRM will automatically default to the current record as a link in the activity. You can select a default value from the drop-down menu.

In some cases, the records in this list contain "old" and "new" records, for example, [:OpportunityCustomTabFields.cust.ProposalManager] and [:OpportunityCustomTabFields.cust.ProposalManager.Old]. These indicate the proposal manager that was changed from and the proposal manager that was changed to.

You can also use the lookup to select one or more clients.

You can associate additional contacts with an activity using the Contacts tab of Activity Configuration.

Primary Contact Enter the name of the primary contact associated with the activity, if applicable. Enter a contact name directly in this field or click and use the lookup to select a contact. You can associate additional contacts with an activity on the Contacts tab.
Opportunity Enter the name of the opportunity associated with the activity, if applicable. Enter an opportunity name directly in this field or click and use the lookup to select an opportunity.
Project Enter the name of the project associated with the activity, if applicable. Enter a project name in this field or click and use the lookup to select a project.
Activity Owner The activity owner is the person at your firm who is responsible for the activity. To change the activity owner, you can enter an employee name directly in this field or click and use the lookup to select a different employee.

The activity owner's name and title automatically display in the Attendees grid on the Attendees tab.

Depending on the type of Info Center workflow (for example, Employee, Lead), the information in this field may have default values already entered, such as [Current User]. This is because the workflow relates to a specific record or user and Ajera CRM will automatically default to the current record as a link in the activity. You can select a default value from the drop-down menu.

Created By This field displays the employee name of the user who created the activity (or the User ID if there is no employee name associated with the user). You cannot edit this field. When you schedule an activity, Ajera CRM automatically enters your name or User ID in this field, based on your log on credentials.
Activity to start Enter the calendar date (first field) and time (second field) when the activity is scheduled to begin or click and select a date and time.
All day event Select this option if the activity will last for an entire day. When you select this option, the activity start time displays as 8:00 AM and the activity end time displays as 5:00 PM. However, you can change these times, if necessary.
Show time as Use the drop-down list in this field to select an option that indicates how participants' time is classified, such as Busy or Tentative, on their Ajera CRM Activity Calendar for the duration of the activity.
Reminder Select this option if you want to receive a reminder at a specified time prior to the start of the activity. Then use the Remind me before fields to set the reminder time for the activity. The Reminder option is automatically selected each time that you open the Activities Scheduling form.

You can choose to receive email activity reminders, pop-up activity reminders, or both. You can change the way you receive activity reminders at any time. To change the way you receive activity reminders, click the Options button on the Ajera CRM toolbar. Then cancel or select the Enable email reminders and/or Enable popup reminders options in the Activity tab of the User Options dialog box.

Remind me x before If you selected the Reminder option, use these fields to set the reminder time for the activity. Enter a number in the first field and use the drop-down list in the second field to select a unit of time. Your options are Minutes, Hours, or Days.

For example, let's say you schedule an activity with a start time of 11:00 AM on October 15. You select the Reminder option. Then you enter 15 in the first Remind me before field and you select Minutes from the drop-down list in the second field. At 10:45 AM on October 15, Ajera CRM will send you a reminder for the scheduled activity.

You can choose to receive email activity reminders, pop-up activity reminders, or both. You can change the way you receive activity reminders at any time. To change the way that you receive activity reminders, click the Options button on the Ajera CRM toolbar. Then cancel or select the Enable email reminders and/or Enable popup reminders options on the Activity tab of the User Options dialog box.

Notes Enter any notes related to the activity. You can enter text directly in this field, or enter text using the Text Editor.

If you enter text directly in the field, you must:

  • Press SHIFT + ENTER on your keyboard to start a new line of text.
  • Press ENTER on your keyboard to start a new paragraph.