Stored Procedure Configuration Dialog Box

Use the Stored Procedure Configuration dialog box to set up Ajera CRM to execute a stored procedure on the Ajera CRM database.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > Workflow, then select the type of workflow you want to create.
  2. In the Workflows grid, select the workflow row (event) to which you want to add the action.
  3. In the Actions grid, click Insert and select Stored Procedure.


Field Description
Stored Procedure Enter the name of the stored procedure. The arguments for the stored procedure appear in the Arguments grid.

The list of arguments will be automatically populated based on the stored procedure selected.

  • Name — The name of the argument.
  • Value —The SQL expression, which Ajera CRM uses to determine the value of the argument at run time. Click in this field to display the SQL Expression Builder dialog box to define the values.
Reload Info Center Record Select this option if you want the record that the user was working on when the workflow fired to be reloaded. You should select this field if the stored procedure being invoked alters the current record. This allows you to see the record with whatever changes the stored procedure made.
Invoke after all changes are saved

If you select this option, the action will run after the entire Info Center record (including all grids) has been saved. Otherwise, the action will run after the main workflow table has been saved, but before any of the grid tables have been processed. (The latter is the current and default behavior.)

This option is only available when the workflow is on the main workflow table, for example, [Employee Record].