Browse Rights Dialog Box

Use the Browse Rights dialog box to modify the permissions for multiple sites, or multiple libraries in selected sites, at one time.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > Security > Roles.
  2. On the Roles form, click the Document Management tab.
  3. In the Site Permissions grid, click Browse Rights.


Set Selected Site Permission

Use options in this group box to set the browse rights and default permissions for new libraries within the selected sites.

Field Description
Browse Rights Select from the following settings to determine viewing rights:
  • <Do Not Change> — Select this option to maintain the current permissions.
  • Browse Site — Select this option to allow the user access to the sites in SharePoint.
  • Ajera CRM Only — Select this option to allow the user access to the sites through Ajera CRM only.
Default Permissions for New Libraries This field contains all of the same values as the Default Permissions for New Libraries field on the Site Permissions grid. Select the appropriate level of rights to set the permissions for newly created libraries within the selected sites. Select <Do Not Change> to maintain the current permissions.

Set Library Permission in Selected Sites

This group box allows you to modify all the rights for all the libraries in the selected sites at one time.

Field Description
Library Permissions This field contains all of the same values as the Permissions field in the Library Permissions grid. Select the appropriate level of rights to set the permissions for all libraries within the selected sites at one time. Select <Do Not Change> to maintain the current permissions.
  • Read/Add/Edit — This option gives the role read, add, and edit rights to the document management library.
  • Read/Edit/Delete — This option gives the role read, edit, and delete rights to the document management library.
  • No Rights — This option gives the role no rights to the document management library.
  • Read Only — This option gives the role read only rights to the document management library.
  • Read/Edit —This option gives the role read and edit rights to the document management library.
  • Full — This option gives the role full access to the document management library.