General Tab of Users Form

Use the General tab to create a username for an employee, specify a password, assign the user to a security role, and set up default report settings for the user. You cannot exceed the number of users that you are licensed to set up.

Contents-Detail View

Use the Detail View of this tab to add or modify individual Ajera CRM user records. Switch to List View if you need to enable or disable multiple users.

Field Description
Username Enter a username in this field. You can use a combination of uppercase characters, blank spaces, and periods. Alternatively, you can use one of the predefined formats from the Name Type field on the Generate Users tab.

For example, the format Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial displays the username Richard M. Freeman as FREEMANRM. Ajera CRM defaults to all capital letters.

If your firm uses Windows Integrated Security, review the following guidelines:

  • The Username field is disabled and your Windows username automatically displays in this field.
  • Embedded spaces (for example, Firstname_Lastname) are helpful in usernames because usernames are required to match the Windows usernames. Windows usernames often include embedded spaces.
Password Enter the password, and document and save it in another location.

For security purposes, after you enter and save a password Ajera CRM converts it to an encrypted password that is stored in the database. This means that the password that you enter is not a string of characters that displays in the Password field; the characters represent the encrypted password, which you cannot convert back to the original password.

If you leave a user's password blank, the user must leave the Password field blank on the Ajera CRM Login dialog box. However, you can change the user's record to include a password at any time.

Ajera CRM disables this field if you select the Windows Authentication option for the user.

Password policies assigned on the Password Policies form do not apply to this field.

Windows Authentication Select this check box to set up the user for Windows Integrated Security. When you select this option, the user does not have to log in to Ajera CRM in order to use it, as long as the user logs into Windows with the proper network credentials.

The login page detects the Windows username and domain, and attempts to log in to Ajera CRM with that username. If the username exists as a valid Ajera CRM user with a valid role, the user can proceed and the login page does not display.

If the user is not logged in to the network, Ajera CRM prompts the user for a network identification and password.

If you use the Ajera CRM cloud offering, Deltek Ajera CRM in the Cloud, or on-premise Ajera CRM, this check box applies if you set up single sign-on using Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

Domain Use the drop-down list to select the user's domain server name, which is necessary for Windows Integrated Security. The drop-down list includes the available domain servers and is enabled when you select the Windows Authentication option.

If you use the Ajera CRM cloud offering, Deltek Ajera CRM in the Cloud, or on-premise Ajera CRM, this field applies if you set up single sign-on using Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

Disable Login Select this option to revoke the user's ability to use Ajera CRM. If this option is cleared, the user is automatically enabled to use Ajera CRM.
Force User to Reset Password at Next Login Select this option to force the user to reset his or her password the next time the user logs in. When this option is selected, the following occurs:
  • The Welcome screen displays with an active Change Password dialog box.
  • The Cancel and Exit buttons on the dialog box are disabled.

The user must complete the fields on the Change Password dialog box and click OK. The password is reset and the Force User to Reset Password at Next Login option is cleared.

Role Use this drop-down list to select the role for the user. The role defines the user's access rights to Ajera CRM. Each user must have one assigned role. You create and maintain roles on the Roles form.
Employee Enter the employee's name or click Search to display the Employee lookup and select an employee record.

Ajera CRM automatically creates a relationship between the selected employee record and the username that you specify in the Username field.

Support Username Enter the username that you use for Deltek's Customer Care site. The field accepts user names up to fifty characters long.
Support Password Enter the password that you use for Deltek's Customer Care site. The field accepts passwords up to fifty characters long. The password entered on this field is encrypted for added security.

Default Report Settings

The options in this section determine how the user's reports display and print.

Field Description
Page Size From the drop-down list, select the default page size for reports. The page size that you select in this field determines the Page Width and Page Height values. When you select Custom, you can enter the width and height of your choice. Users can modify the page size in Reporting.
Unit of Measure From the drop-down list, select Inches or Millimeters as the unit of measure to use with the report measurements fields on this tab. Users can modify the unit of measure in Reporting.
Page Width, Page Height

Your setting for the Page Size option determines the width and height settings. The measurements display in either inches or millimeters, based on your selection in the Unit of Measure field.

If you select Custom in the Page Size field, these fields are enabled so you can enter a width and height of your choice.

Top Margin Enter the top margin for a report page.
Bottom Margin Enter the bottom margin for a report page.
Left Margin Enter the left margin for a report page.
Right Margin Enter the right margin for a report page.
Printer Select the default printer from which to print reports. The options available in this list depend on the report printers defined on the Report Server Printers tab.
Font Select the default font for reports.
Country Select the country to populate the user's Default Country in User Options. This drop-down list displays all values from the Country Code Table in General Configuration.

Contents-List View

Click the List View option on the toolbar of the Users form to display the Users grid. The columns on the grid have the same function as above but you can use the grid options to enable or disable multiple user records at one time.

Field Description
Users Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Enable All Click this option to enable all users on this grid.
Disable All Click this option to disable all users on this grid.
Insert Click this option to insert a user on this grid.
Copy Highlight a user and click this option to copy the user's information and create a new record with a unique username.
Delete Highlight a user and click this option to delete the user from the grid.
User This column lists usernames.