Export Merge Templates

When you export a Microsoft Word merge template file from Ajera CRM, it saves a copy of the .rtf file outside of Ajera CRM on your local machine or a network drive.

The Export option in Merge Templates Configuration applies only for merge templates that are created with Microsoft Word (.rtf files). You cannot export Adobe InDesign .indt files.

You can use the Export option when you need to modify an .rtf merge template file that has been previously added to Ajera CRM, and a copy of the .rtf file is not immediately available on your network or local drive. After you export the .rtf file, you can modify the exported copy in Word. Then use the Update option in Ajera CRM Merge Templates Configuration to copy the contents of the updated .rtf file back into the existing merge template in Ajera CRM. If you already have a copy of an .rtf file that has been added to Ajera CRM, you do not need to export the file from Ajera CRM before you modify it.

To export a merge template, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > Merge Templates.
  2. In the Info Center Area field on the Merge Templates form, select the Info Center that you want to export.
  3. In the Merge Templates grid, select the Word merge template that you want to export.
  4. Click Export.
  5. On the File Download dialog box, specify whether you want to open or save the file.
    • When you click Save on the File Download dialog box, the Save As dialog box opens and you enter the location in which to save the file. When you click Save on the Save As dialog box, an .rtf file for the template downloads to the folder that you selected.
    • When you click Open on the File Download dialog box, the file displays on the screen in Word. You can make edits and save the file.
Warning: When you make changes to an exported .rtf file in Word and save the changes, the changes are not automatically saved in the Ajera CRM database. To save the changes to the Ajera CRM database, you must also update the merge template in Ajera CRM using the Update option in Merge Templates Configuration. This copies the contents of the .rtf file back into the existing merge template in Ajera CRM.