General Tab of Contact Info Center

Use the General tab to enter, edit, or review a contacts's name and address information, email address, important notes, and associated client name.


Field Description
Prefix Use this drop-down list to select the contact's prefix. You define prefix options in Code Table Configuration.
First Name Enter the contact's first name.
Middle Name Enter the contact's middle name or initial.
Last Name Enter the contact's last name.
Suffix Use this drop-down list to select a suffix to be used with the contact's name. You define suffix options in Code Table Configuration.
Preferred Enter the contact's preferred name. For example, Kathleen A. Jones wants to be addressed as Kathy Jones.
Title Enter the contact's title. You can select a title from the drop-down list or enter the title directly in this field. You define contact title options in Code Table Configuration.
Source Use this drop-down list to select the source of the contact. If the source of the contact does not display in the drop-down list, enter the source directly in this field. Sources can include specific conferences, trade shows, or the names of referring clients. You define source options in Code Table Configuration.
Contact Type Use this drop-down list to select a contact type: Client or Vendor.
Contact Company Name Enter the name of the client or vendor associated with the contact.

If the client or vendor record that you want to enter in this field does not yet exist in your database, click New to create a new record. Ajera CRM opens a blank Client Info Center or Vendor Info Center record in a separate browser window. Enter the client or vendor information and save the record. Ajera CRM inserts the client or vendor name in the Contact Company Name field.

When you enter a contact name in the Contact Company Name field:

  • Ajera CRM creates a hyperlink between the company name and the corresponding Client or Vendor Info Center record. You can then click the name in this field to open the record in the current browser window. Alternatively, right-click the name and then click Open in new window to open the record in a new browser window.
  • Ajera CRM adds the current contact's name and related information to the Contacts grid in the Client or Vendor Info Center record.
  • Ajera CRM inserts the client's or contact's primary address in the address fields on the General tab. You can modify this address.
Email Enter the employee's email address in this field. After you enter an email address in the Email field, you can click the email address to open your default email application and send an email message to the contact. You can edit a contact's email address.
Status Use this drop-down list to select a status of Active or Inactive to reflect your current relationship with the contact.
Addresses (First Field) Use this drop-down list to select the address you want to associate with this contact. This field displays the Description for each address entered in the associated Client or Vendor Info Center record.

When you enter a new contact record, this field displays either Client Address or Vendor Address, depending on the option that you select in the Contact Type field. By default, the associated client's or vendor's primary address displays in the address fields.

  • If you do not want to use the client's or vendor's primary address for this contact, use the drop-down list in the second Addresses field to select a different client or vendor address. This field displays the Description for each address entered in the associated Client or Vendor Info Center record.
  • To enter an additional address for the contact, select Other/Home Address from the drop-down list in the first Addresses field, and then enter address information in the blank fields on the General tab.

You can make changes to the contact address at any time.

If you select Other/Home Address in the first Addresses field, the second Addresses field is disabled.

Description When the address is set to Client Address, use the Description field to enter a description of the address.
Primary Address Select this option to designate the contact address as the primary address. Each contact can have one primary address.
Mailing Address When you enter a new contact record, the associated client's or vendor's primary address is selected as the mailing address for the contact. You can designate one address as the mailing address. This address displays on reports and mailing labels.
Address 1, 2, 3, 4 If you select Client Address or Vendor Address from the drop-down list in the Addresses field, these fields display the client's or vendor's address as displayed in the associated Client Info Center or Vendor Info Center record.

If you select Other/Home Address these fields remain blank, unless you entered another address for the contact.

City If you select Client Address or Vendor Address from the drop-down list in the Addresses field, this field displays the city in which the client or vendor is located.

If you select Other/Home Address this field remains blank, unless you entered another address for the contact.

State/Province If you select Client Address or Vendor Address from the drop-down list in the Addresses field, this field displays the state or province in which the client or vendor is located.

If you select Other/Home Address this field remains blank, unless you entered another address for the contact.

Zip/Postcode If you select Client Address or Vendor Address from the drop-down list in the Addresses field, this field displays the ZIP or postal code for the client or vendor address.

If you select Other/Home Address this field remains blank, unless you entered another address for the contact.

Country If you select Client Address or Vendor Address from the drop-down list in the Addresses field, this field displays the country in which the client or vendor is located.

If you select Other/Home Address this field remains blank, unless you entered another address for the contact.

Phone If you select Client Address or Vendor Address from the drop-down list in the Addresses field, this field displays the phone number for the client or vendor.

If you select Other/Home Address, this field is hidden. To enter the contact's phone number, use the Bus. Phone field in the Phone section of the General tab.

Your system administrator defines the format for your phone number entry.

Fax If you select Client Address or Vendor Address from the drop-down list in the Addresses field, this field displays the fax number for the client or vendor.

If you select Other/Home Address, this field is hidden. To enter the contact's fax number, use the Bus. Fax field in the Phone section of the General tab.

Bus Phone Enter the contact's business phone number.
Bus. Fax Enter the contact's business fax number.
Mobile Enter the contact's mobile phone number.
Home Enter the contact's home phone number.
Pager Enter the contact's pager number.
Notes Enter any notes about the contact.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.