Accounting, Administrator, and CRM Role Types

When you set up security roles, you identify the role as belonging to one or more of three main categories: Accounting, Administrator, or CRM.

Select the Type of Role on the General tab of Configuration > Security > Roles.

Accounting User

An Accounting user can approve projects, vendors, and employees for use in accounting applications. The System Administrator may designate certain Info Center fields as required for an Accounting user. An Info Center record cannot be saved if required fields are empty.

CRM User

This option is available when Vision Accounting and Vision CRM are installed. It gives users access to employee, project, and vendor records marked as Available to CRM users. If the user is not also marked as an Accounting user, he or she is allowed to enter new employee, project, and vendor records without completing fields required for Accounting users. CRM users cannot approve records for use in accounting applications.

The Administrator may designate certain Info Center fields as required for a CRM user. An Info Center record cannot be saved if required fields are empty.

Administrator User

Select this option to give the role Administrative privileges for the following:

  • Dashboard — The Administrator can save the dashboard layout for other users.
  • Process Queues — The Administrator can stop and start process queues and see jobs submitted by other users in the process queue manager.
  • Lookups — The Administrator can access all records in lookups (even if they are not available for CRM and/or Accounting users).
  • Info Center — The Administrator can use the Tab Designer to customize Info Center labels.
  • Login — The Administrator is allowed to log in even if all users are disabled in the User Activity application.