Navigation Menu Designer Terminology

You may want to review terminology specific to the Navigation Menu Designer before you begin to use its features.

Term Description
Node A node is a menu item.
Top-level parent menu items Top-level menu items are the highest level of parent menus. They have no actions associated with them; they are "containers" for other parent and child levels.

Top-level menu items display in blue boxes. For example:

Parent-level menu items Parent-level menu items are those menus that have children, or sub-level menus, under them. A parent level menu has an expand symbol to the left of it. For example:

When you create a new parent level node, you must add at least one child level menu item to it for the parent node to be visible and active in Ajera CRM.

Child-level menu items Child-level menu items (also referred to as leaf nodes), or sub-level menus, are those menus that display under a parent-level menu item.
Sibling-level menu items Sibling-level menu items are those menus that are on the same level.