Add Graphics Placeholders to SF330 Merge Templates

To add graphics to a SF330 proposal, you must enter graphics placeholders in the merge template that you plan to use. You enter graphics placeholders in block 24 of a modified Section F merge template. After you use the merge procedure, the proposal shows each of the related graphics, at the location you specified.

If a graphic file is connected to a project record on the Files tab in the Projects Info Center, you can select the graphics file and add it to Part 1, Section F, Block 24 of an SF330 proposal. Do not use commas to separate the folder levels in a graphic's file path. Because Ajera CRM uses commas as separators in graphics placeholder codes, the merge procedure does not run correctly if it finds comma(s) in the graphic's file path.

To add a graphics placeholder, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Browse to the modified Section F merge template and open it in Microsoft Word.
  3. Select one or more graphic files to add to the SF330 proposal.
  4. In the merge template for Part 1, Section F, Block 24, enter: Picture<[Project Graphic: 1],2,p,l>

    After you use the merge procedure, each graphic is shown in the proposal, at the location you specified.