Page 1 Tab of SF330 Proposals Form

Use the Page 1 tab to enter data for Contract Specific Qualifications into Part 1 of an SF330 proposal.


Field Description
1. Title and Location (City and State) Government instructions: Enter the title and location of the contract for which this form is being submitted, exactly as shown in the public announcement or agency request.

If you create the proposal from an opportunity, Ajera CRM automatically populates this block. Otherwise you must enter the information manually.

2. Public Notice Date Government instructions: Enter the posted date of the agency's notice on the Federal Business Opportunity website (FedBizOpps), other form of public announcement or agency request for this contract.

Click Select Date to open the pop-up calendar and select the date.

3. Solicitation or Project Number Government instructions: Enter the agency's solicitation number and/or project number, if applicable, exactly as shown in the public announcement or agency request for this contract.

Ajera CRM populates block 1 of Part II with the number you enter here, whether you generate the proposal from scratch or from an opportunity.

B. Architect-Engineer Point of Contact Government instructions for Section B (blocks 4 through 8): Provide information for a representative of the prime contractor or joint venture that the agency can contact for additional information.

You have three options for filling out this section:

  • If you create the proposal from an opportunity, Ajera CRM automatically populates this block, using data from the record of the employee whose role on the General tab of the opportunity record matches that specified on the 330 Preferences form. If no role preference is set, Ajera CRM uses the data in the employee record of the opportunity's project manager.
  • Click Select point of contact to open the Employee Lookup. You can select only one employee record. Ajera CRM completes blocks 4 through 8 with data for the employee you select.
  • You can enter data directly into this field. Deltek strongly recommends against this procedure. It disables the auto-populate feature in other blocks of the SF330.
4. Name and Title If this data is entered by an auto-populate feature:
  • The Name and Title on the employee record's General tab shows here.
  • The name is formatted as specified on the 330 Preferences form. If no format is specified, Ajera CRM uses the usual format, [First],[Last].

Otherwise you must enter the data in this block.

5. Name of Firm If this data is entered by an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM enters the name of the proposal firm whose Associated Organizations tab lists:
  • The opportunity's organization, if you make the proposal from an opportunity.
  • The employee's organization, if you selected the employee using Select point of contact from the shortcut menu.

Otherwise you must enter the data into this block.

6. Telephone Number If this data is entered by an auto-populate feature, the Work Phone and Ext on the employee record's General tab show here.

Otherwise you must enter in this data.

7. Fax Number If this data is entered by an auto-populate feature, the FAX number on the employee record's General tab shows here.

Otherwise you must enter in this information.

8. E-Mail Address If this data is entered by an auto-populate feature, the EMail address on the employee record's General tab shows here.

Otherwise you must enter in this data.

C. Proposed Team Government instructions for Section C (blocks 9-11): Provide the contractual relationship, name, full mailing address, and a brief description of the role of each firm that will be involved in performance of this contract. List the prime contractor or joint venture partners first. If a firm has branch offices, indicate each individual branch office that will have a key role on the team. The named subcontractors and outside associates or consultants must be used, and any change must be approved by the contracting officer.

You have multiple options for filling out this section:

  • If you create the proposal from an opportunity, Ajera CRM automatically populates this block, following these rules for selecting team members:
    • First, a row for the proposal firm whose Associated Organizations tab lists the opportunity's organization.
    • Then, a row for each firm whose Associated Organizations tab includes an Opportunity team member (employee's) organization.
    • Then a row for each vendor associated with the opportunity.
    • If your company doesn't use Ajera CRM organizations, Ajera CRM adds a row for the proposal firm.
    • Ajera CRM completes blocks 9 through 11 for each vendor, and blocks 9 and 10 for each proposal firm.
    • To add your firm offices, click Add Firms from the menu and select from the Firm lookup. Ajera CRM populates blocks 9 and 10 for each firm you select.
  • To add vendors, select Add Vendors from the menu and select from the Vendor lookup. Ajera CRM populates blocks 9 through 11 for each vendor you select.
  • To add vendor records that are connected to client records, select Add Clients from the menu and select from the Client Lookup, which shows clients connected to vendor/consultant records. Select the clients you want. Ajera CRM populates blocks 9 through 11 for each vendor you select.
  • You can enter data directly into this field. Deltek strongly recommends against this procedure. It disables the auto-populate feature in other blocks of the SF330.


  • In Section C of the SF330, a proposed team member is referred to in the government instructions as a "firm."
  • You cannot make more than 15 Ajera CRM selections on the table for Part I.
  • If you select more than five team members, click the right arrow in the section header to see the other team members.
  • If you try to delete a firm record from either Part II or Section C when the firm record is in both locations, Ajera CRM tells you that if the firm is at the other location, it is deleted there also, and asks if you wish to continue.
(Check) On each row, only one check box can be selected for each proposal firm or vendor.

To use these check boxes, see the government instructions for Section C. You can reorder the proposal firms and vendors, and change the default selections:

  • The Prime checkbox is selected for each proposal firm.
  • The Subcontractor check box is usually selected on any row where a vendor is added.
  • To add a J-V Partner, add the firm, then reenter the Firm Name to the name of the joint venture, and select this check box.
9. Firm Name Specify the firm name in one of the following ways:
  • If you create the proposal from an opportunity, Ajera CRM automatically populates the Firm Name:
    • For proposal firms, Ajera CRM uses the name of the proposal firm whose Associated Organizations tab lists the opportunity's organization.
    • For vendors, Ajera CRM uses the Name on the General tab of the vendor record associated with the opportunity from which this proposal was created.
  • If the firm on this row is a proposal firm, the Name on the firm's General tab is shown. If the firm is a vendor, the Name on the vendor's General tab is shown. Otherwise you must enter the firm name.
Check if Branch Office This check box is active on rows that have proposal firm records.
10. Address You have three options for filling out this section:
  • If you create the proposal from an opportunity, Ajera CRM automatically populates the Address:
    • If it is a proposal firm, Ajera CRM uses the address fields on the General tab of the proposal firm whose Associated Organizations tab lists the opportunity's organization.
    • If it is a vendor, Ajera CRM uses the address fields for the vendor address listed on the opportunity's Team tab. If none of the vendor's addresses is listed, Ajera CRM uses the vendor's primary address.
  • If the firm on this row:
    • Is a proposal firm, the address fields on the firm's General tab are shown.
    • Is a vendor, the address fields of the vendor's primary address are shown.

      To specify a different address, click Select Address and select from the lookup list.

      To permit you to add the same vendor, but at another address, Ajera CRM does not prevent you from adding duplicate vendors.

  • Otherwise you must enter in this data.

11. Role in this Contract You have three options for filling out this section:
  • If you create the proposal from an opportunity:
  • If it is a proposal firm, you must type in the information.
  • If it is a vendor, Ajera CRM populates this column with the vendor's Role on the opportunity's Team tab.
  • If this firm is a vendor, the Specialty Description on the vendor's General tab is shown.
  • Otherwise you must enter in this data.
D. Organizational Chart of Proposed Team Government instructions: As an attachment after Section C, present an organizational chart of the proposed team showing the names and roles of all key personnel listed in Section E and the firm they are associated with as listed in Section C.

Select the Attached check box if the proposal has an organizational chart. If this is a new SF330 proposal, this check box is selected.