How Refresh Works in Sections E F and G

SF330 Proposals can automatically save and refresh proposal data. Proposal data is copied from the Ajera CRM Info Centers when you put it into a proposal.

The Refresh feature works in Sections E, F, and G in the following ways:

  • When you change the employee role in Section E, or change data in Section F by adding, deleting, and reordering projects, Ajera CRM automatically refreshes the data in Section G.

  • However, when you change data in the Employee and Vendor Info Centers, then open Sections E and F of an SF330, the Employee and/or Vendor data in Sections E and F does not show the effect of those Info Center changes. Each part of SF330 proposal data is copied from its Info Center into the SF330 work area as you complete the proposal. The Info Center data is not connected to the data in an SF330 proposal.

  • If you change either Employee or Vendor data in Sections E or F, these changes are not made in the Info Centers. To change an Info Center record, you must change the data in the record.

  • When you save new or changed data on Sections E and F, click the Refresh Matrix option in Section G. This makes a fresh personnel matrix. Then use the Section G - Roles dialog box.

If an employee or vendor record is in the SF330, and then that record is deleted from its Info Center, the record stays in the proposal. However, some of the data that is used in the Info Center does not show in the proposal. For example, Section G is not correct if employee or project records are deleted from their Info Centers.