Section F Tab of SF330 Proposals Form

Use the Section F tab to enter "Example Projects Which Best Illustrate Proposed Team's Qualifications for this Contract" in Section F of an SF330 proposal. Ajera CRM uses data from Sections E and F to auto-populate the matrix in Section G.


Field Description
Example Projects Which Best Illustrate Proposed Team's Qualifications for this Contract Government instructions: Select projects where multiple team members worked together, if possible, that demonstrate the team's capability to perform work similar to that required for this contract. Complete one Section F for each project. Present ten projects, unless otherwise specified by the agency.

You have multiple options for filling out this section:

  • Select Add Projects from the menu. Ajera CRM populates blocks 20 through 24 for each project you select. It also populates block 25 with projects that match the criteria for block 25. In Section G, Ajera CRM populates block 28 with the names of the projects you add here. If you change a project name here, it changes in blocks 28 and 29.
  • Select Add Any Project from the menu. Ajera CRM populates blocks 20 through 24 for each project you select. To populate block 25, make sure that the project's firm is in Section C, then click Refresh in block 25. In Section G, Ajera CRM populates blocks 28 and 29 with the names of the projects you add here. If you change a project name here, it changes the key number in blocks 28 and 29.
  • You can enter data directly into this section. Deltek strongly recommends against this procedure. The data will not appear in Section G, and you will have to enter data into Section G of the merged proposal document using Microsoft Word.
20. Example Project Key Number Government instructions: Start with 1 for the first project and number consecutively.

For each project you added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates this block, and Block 29 of Section G, with a number, starting with "1" for the first project added. If you reorder the projects, Ajera CRM changes the number in this block to match the project's reordered sequence in the proposal.

21. Title and Location Government instructions: Title and location of project or contract. For an indefinite delivery contract, the location is the geographic scope of the contract.

For each project added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates this block from the project record's General tab, using Long Name, City and State.

You can also enter this data manually.

22. Year Completed - Professional Services Government instructions: Enter the year completed of the professional services (such as planning, engineering study, design, or surveying), and/or the year completed of construction, if applicable. If any of the professional services or the construction projects are not complete, leave Year Completed blank and indicate the status in Brief Description of Project and Relevance to This Contract (block 24).

For each project you added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates this block from theproject record's Dates & Costs tab, using the year from the Prof. Services completion date field.

You can also enter this data manually.

22. Year Completed - Construction (if applicable) For each project you added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates this block from the project record's Dates & Costs tab, using the year from the Construction completion date field.

You can also enter this data manually.

23. Project Owner's Information For each project you added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates blocks 23a, 23b, and 23c from the project record's General tab.

Ajera CRM uses the preference settings for Default Owner and Default Contact. If no preference is specified, Ajera CRM uses the project's Primary Client and Primary Contact.

23a. Project Owner Government instructions: Project owner or user, such as a government agency or installation, an institution, a corporation or private individual.

For each project you added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates this block from the project record's General tab.

Ajera CRM uses the preference setting for Default Owner. If no preference is specified, Ajera CRM uses the project's Primary Client.

You can also enter this data manually.

23b. Point of Contact Name Government instructions: Provide name of a person associated with the project owner or the organization which contracted for the professional services, who is very familiar with the project and the firm's (or firms') performance.

For each project added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM puts data into this block from the project record's General tab.

Ajera CRM uses the preference setting for Default Contact. If no preference is specified, Ajera CRM uses theproject's Primary Contact.

You can also enter this data manually.

23c. Point of Contact Telephone Number For each project you added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates this block from the Bus. Phone field on the contact record's General tab.

You can also enter this data manually.

24. Brief Description of Project and Relevance to This Contract Government instructions: Indicate scope, size, cost, principal elements and special features of the project. Discuss the relevance of the example project to this contract. Enter any other information requested by the agency for each example project.

You have multiple options for providing project descriptions:

  • For each project added to Section F using an auto-populate feature, Ajera CRM populates this block from the Descriptions Category on the project's Background tab, using the preference settings for Default Description. If no preference is specified, Ajera CRM leaves this block empty.
  • Select Select Project Descriptions from the menu.
  • You can also enter this data manually.

In any case, you must enter in the Relevance to This Contract.

To add project graphics, click Select Graphics.

25. Firms From Section C Involved With This Project Government instructions: Indicate which firms (or branch offices, if appropriate) on the project team were involved in the example project, and their roles. List in the same order as Section C.

This section is based on the:

  • Firms added to Section C, either from an opportunity or from the Section C shortcut menu, and
  • Projects added to Section F using the Section F shortcut menu.

Ajera CRM populates Blocks 25(1) and 25(2) for all firms, and Block 25(3) for all proposal firms, added to Section C and matching these criteria:

  • Proposal firms whose Associated Organizations tab has an organization matching the organization of at least one employee on the Team tab of a project added to Section F using the shortcut menu.
  • Vendor firms listed in the Vendors grid on the Team tab of a project added to Section F using the shortcut menu.

The firms are in the sequence used in Section C. To update Block 25 after you add, delete, or reorder firms in Section C, click Refresh in the shortcut menu.

25 (1) Firm Name For each proposal firm or vendor auto-populating Block 25, Ajera CRM populates this block with the Name on the proposal firm or vendor record's General tab.

You can also enter this data manually.

25 (2) Firm Location For each proposal firm or vendor auto-populating Block 25, Ajera CRM populates this block with the City and State on the proposal firm or vendor record's General tab.

You can also enter this data manually.

25 (3) Role For each team member auto-populating Block 25, Ajera CRM populates this block differently, using the member's type:
  • If the team member is a vendor, Ajera CRM uses its Role from the Vendors grid on the Team tab in the Projects Info Center.
  • If the team member is a proposal firm, you must enter in the role.