Section G Tab of SF330 Proposals Form

Use the Section G tab to review the Key Personnel Participation in Example Projects and Example Projects matrix of an SF330 proposal.

Ajera CRM populates Section G with the data in Sections E and F. You cannot enter data in Section G. However, you can change it on the Section G Roles dialog box. Section G refreshes dynamically with any change that you make to Section E or F. However, Section G does not refresh dynamically with changes to Sections E and F caused by changes to data in other parts of the proposal. In this case, you must click the menu icon next to the title "G. Key Personnel Participation" and then click Refresh Matrix. Be sure to complete the Refresh Matrix procedure for this proposal's Section G matrix before you use the Roles dialog box to select similar project roles for Section E employees.


Field Description
G. Key Personnel Participation in Example Projects Government instructions: This matrix is intended to graphically depict which key personnel identified in Section E worked on the example projects listed in Section F.

Ajera CRM populates Blocks 26 through 29 from Section E and Section F.

Section G refreshes dynamically when you change the employee role in Section E or add, delete, or reorder projects in Section F.

Section G does not refresh dynamically with changes to Section E or F resulting from changing data elsewhere (for example, if you change an employee's role in a Project Info Center record). To refresh Section G with changes made in other parts of the proposal, click Refresh Matrix in the Section G header.

Select Refresh Matrix before you merge this section with its merge template.

Ajera CRM does not populate Blocks 26 through 29 for employees (Section E) or projects (Section F) that you enter manually.

26. Names of Key Personnel (From Section E, Block 12) Government instructions: List the names of the key personnel and their proposed roles in this contract in the same order as they appear in Section E.

For each employee you selected in Section E, Ajera CRM populates this block from Block 12, using the Name Format specified on the 330 Preferences form.

To change the data in this block, you must change the data in Block 12 for this employee.

27. Role in This Contract (From Section E, Block 13) For each employee selected in Section E, Ajera CRM populates this block from Block 13.

To change the data in this block, you must change the Role in Block 13 for this employee.

28. Example Projects Listed in Section F Government instructions: In the column under each project key number (see block 29) and for each key person, place an [X] under the project key number for participation in the same or similar role.

For each project you added to Section F, Ajera CRM:

  • Displays a symbol in the numbered column that relates to theproject's key number in Block 29, if the employee in Block 26 had any role in thisproject, and
  • Populates Block 29 with the project's title (but not its location) from Block 21.

To change the contents of this block for a project, you must change it in Section F.

Ajera CRM populates this column with:

  • An X if the employee's role in Section E exactly matches theproject role in Section F.
  • An asterisk (*) if the employee is listed in Section E and had any role in the project listed in Section F. Click on the asterisk to open the Section G - Roles dialog box, where you can see the role. Change the asterisk to an X to mark the role as similar to the employee's proposed project role.
29. Example Projects Key Government instructions: List the key numbers and titles of the example projects in the same order as they appear in Section F.

For each project you added to Section F, Ajera CRM populates this block with the project's data.

This block is non-editable. Changes to the project's Project Name in Block 21 of Section F are shown here, if you made the change in Block 21 and not in the Project Info Center record. If you make the change in the Project Info Center record, you must use Refresh Matrix to show the change here.