Checklist: Setting Up SF254, SF255, and Custom Proposals

Before your company can use Ajera CRM Proposals, the system administrator must specify configuration settings. This checklist summarizes the steps.

To set up the SF330 Proposals application, see the Ajera CRM SF330 Proposals Quick Reference Card for Setup.

Step Description
1 In Configuration > Module Activation confirm that your company has a license for the Custom Proposals and/or the 255/254 Proposals applications.
2 In Configuration > Security > Roles, define a security role for Proposals users. On the Access Rights tab, use the Full access to all merge templates option to indicate whether the role has direct access to upload new custom merge templates via Configuration > General > Merge Templates. All users have access to 254/255 merge templates, regardless of their security role.
3 For each employee who uses the Proposals application, set up their user account in Configuration > Security > Users with the Role defined in Step 2 above.
4 If users do not have direct access to upload new merge templates via Configuration > General > Merge Templates, the system administrator uploads custom merge templates to the database in Configuration > General > Merge Templates.
5 If you have not already downloaded the latest merge code macro toolbar, select Utilities > Download Merge Macro.

Set up Proposal Firms in Configuration > Organization > Firm Setup-Proposals.

  • For the Custom Proposals application, if your proposal uses any merge codes requiring company-specific data, you must first set up a proposal firm and enter that data. For example, your company's name and address may not be in any of your Organization records. To have them appear in a proposal, create a proposal firm and enter them there.
  • The 255 and 254 Proposals applications do not work properly unless you complete this step.