Text Tab of SF255 Proposals Form

Use the Text Tab to enter data for block 10 of the SF255 proposal, which is used to enter additional information and qualifications, as well as to sign and date the SF255.

In Ajera CRM, block 10 is shown in one column to make it easier to edit. However, you can make a printed copy of block 10 in one or two columns. To change the column format, select Edit Preferences and change the Text (Section 10) Number of Columns setting. The merged document shows this change the next time that you print or merge the data on the Text tab.


Field Description
10. Use this space to provide any additional information... Enter data manually in block 10 or click , Select Text Library and select text files from the Text Library Info Center.

To change the sequence of text files, click a file, then click Up or Down.

11. The foregoing is a statement of facts Select one of the following actions to enter a name and title in the Typed Name and Title field:
  • Click Select Signator and choose an employee from the Employee Lookup list.
  • Click Full Editor to use the Text Editor to enter an employee name.
Date Enter the date manually or click Select Date to select a date from the pop-up calendar.